Senate Lounge In Paliament-Women In Corporate Sector
56 photos.
200 photos.
Malaysia's Most Creative Person-Dato'Sri Tony Fernandes
3 photos.
MRCA 4th CEO Night Banquet 2011- PRESS CONFERENCE
4 photos.
The Entrepreneur-OSIM (M) Sdn Bhd
13 photos.
United Daily News Interview MRCA President,Dato' Tay on 25.4.2011
Sunrider BrandLaureate Award 23 March 2011
2 photos.
MRCA 14th Annual General Meeting
122 photos.
Meeting with Prime Minister part 2
106 photos.
Meeting with Prime Minister
165 photos.
JCI Courtesy Visit to MRCA on 4.3.11
48 photos.
MRCA Media Night 2011, part 2
160 photos.
MRCA Media Night 2011
172 photos.
Meeting with Dato' Sri Ahmad Farid Ridzuan
Luncheon with Dato' Sri Ong Tee Keat